Minister of resettlement singing “Somaliland, my country, my people”“We are tired of this confession”Amin Amir“It was a day that will not be forgotten”Amin AmirTukaraq, a small village in the eastern Sool region of SomalilandAmin Amir“The story goes on and on and on…”“Berbera Agreement”“The federal tree of Somalia”“Ethiopia is a Somali enemy”“Who fighted for us, who is dead, who has been overwhelmed with us, who is sad” – Puntland and Somaliland punching “The Public”In Somaliland court – Man in blue: “When we look at civil liberties we know they should be released”. – Man in green: “Look, the blue dress is worse than the blue slippers. It’s another crime”. – Man in beige: “Why don’t they wear the Ethiopian flag?”Amin AmirMan “There is no justice in this world. What about Somaliland? It has not been recognized yet and the coronavirus has been recognized all over the world.” – Woman “Coronavirus is a disease and not a country, Suleymaan”“The reputation of democracy in Somaliland has been tarnished by this minister” – “Muse Bihi works for this minister”Amin AmirAmin Amir“Muse rejects Somali unity and cuts down the tree” – On the tree “Democracy, constitution, freedom, peace, development, unity”“Look, Somaliland has become the prison of Muse Bihi”
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